Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Questions Campers Ask Part 5- How do I know for sure that God is real?

Q: How do I know for sure that God is real?

A: There is no way to perfectly prove there is a God just as there is no way to perfectly prove there is no God. To be able to say for certain that there is no God, you must have all of the knowledge in the Universe stored in your brain. Believing in the existence of God and trusting that He truly did send His Son Jesus to come to earth, live a perfect life, die in our place, then rise from the dead three days later, perfectly defeating death, must ultimately depend on faith. However, there are significant, convincing proofs that point to the existence of God. Here are two of them:

Look at our cabin here at Barakel. What would you say if I told you that no one made it?

A. I am very intelligent.
B. I am very dumb.

That would be silly to think that something as beautiful as our cabin could just build itself. Every building has to have a builder! Or what would you say if one day for cabin inspections, the inspector came in to inspect our cabin, and thought, "Wow, this cabin cleaned itself pretty well!"

A. The inspector is very intelligent.
B. The inspector is very dumb.

Of course the inspector wouldn't think that the cabin cleaned itself! They would know for something to be so organized, someone must have organized it.

It's the same way with the world! Look around you and see the beautiful way it is made and organized. Every single animal and person was carefully designed and planned to be able to live and survive in the world. What would you say if someone told you no one designed and created the world?

A. They are very intelligent.
B. They are very dumb.

For everything created, there must be a creator. For everything organized, there must be an organizer. If someone tells you that there is no God, then there must be no Creator of the world. That'd be just as silly as thinking no one made or cleaned our cabin!

The Bible puts it this way: “For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible attributes have been clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made.” (Romans 1:20) In other words, it’s obvious to see that there is a God just by looking at creation! Psalm 19:1 tells us that the heavens declare the glory of God. All the beauty and order of creation point to the fact that there is a God. That's one way we can know God is real!

Another way we can know God is real is by looking at the moral law. Every law must have a law giver. Since there is a moral law (right and wrong written in all of our hearts: we know when we’re born that lying, stealing, and killing are wrong), there must be a moral Law Giver. Who is the creator of this moral law then who decides what is right or wrong? This points directly to God as well! If there is no God, than right or wrong is only a matter of opinion, and it would not be wrong for me to kill you! I’m glad there is a God who set up right and wrong!

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